Beyond Those Pains

Your wreckage and broken moments are reminders that you need to seek God. It hurts, I know. But the pain you feel, specially in your hardest times will allow God to reveal Himself.

Somehow, your pain is also a blessing for it reveals the extent of your strength and control. It puts you in a situation where you are being desperate for God. Lord, it hurts so much that no words can comfort me. Please make this stop. As you go through this, you will know that this pain is too big for you to handle and you need God because you cant go through it without Him.

It is going to hurt but do not forget to honor these moments. Its gonna be deep and wonderful. God is taking something that seems unpleasant and turning it into something beautiful.

So sweetheart, do not focus on the hard times you are in. Pain is a blessing. It unwraps you, it opens you up and shows how empty and helpless you are without God. Seek God and look for Him in your life. He is full of comfort and compassion. Your times of hurting will soon finish. You will not always end up crying. God will mend even the most shattered heart.

Let Him lead your hurts to healing. Just how pain entered your heart, one day it will leave like it didn’t enter in the first place. You will wake up one day and the first thing you would feel is not pain anymore. The pain has already done its job. You have been made completely brand new.

Hebrews 12:11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

Published by Renz Ivanni Mata

Influencer in the making. 🎥📚

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