Hi, You have been brave

How are you? Are things getting any better?

I wish I know what you’re feeling or what you’re thinking right now. I wish I could be there to hold you, cheering you up when things seem to go wrong. I wish to comfort you in all your brokenness and celebrate with you in all your victories.

I may not know how many tears you’ve cried to sleep or how anxious your heart and mind is. Yet, I know you have been brave.

You have been brave even if people around you disappointed you.
You have been brave even in the midst of so much rejections.
You have been brave to let go of the things that is not helping you grow in the Lord.

Here you are. Learning, getting stronger and becoming more dependent on God. He is preparing you for something bigger than you could have ever imagined. He is in the process of accomplishing a thorough overhaul in your heart because He will use you for different purposes. The God of breakthroughs will not allow your sufferings to be put to waste. You are made for wonderful testimonies.

So whatever your circumstances may be, know that God will never leave you hurt and stranded. Your brokenness is not the end of what God has in store. If you’re willing to trust Him along the way, you’ll be able to look find His glory in all of it.

Just be brave, love. When you feel unsure, dare to believe that He is your assurance. This prayer of mine is for you to work up the courage to stand and fight again.

Psalm 6:6 I am weary with my moaning; everynight I flood my bed with tears; I drench my couch with my weeping.

Published by Renz Ivanni Mata

Influencer in the making. 🎥📚

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