What It Means To Love Someone

I always thought love is only about sweet words and all. That made me think that I’d be the easiest person to love. But as I get older, I realized that loving someone is not an easy task. Love weighs heavier that it takes one’s persistence to learn how to carry it.

When you love someone, you have to love everything about them.

You love their strengths but you should also love their weaknesses too.

You love their confidence, but you love their anxiety too.

You love their success, but you love their downfalls too.

That’s why its hard. It takes courage to love someone. You need to love every part of them and what’s inside them.

But let me clear things to you. Loving is different from tolerating. You love them and their messy parts and that love wont let them stay like that forever.
You’ll be there for them. You’ll stick with them.
You’ll understand them. You’ll invest to them.
You’ll listen to them. You’ll correct them.
You’ll push them hard to go on, sometimes.
Its hard. But that’s what it means to love someone.

And if incase God gives you someone that is too hard to love in human nature, go get the strength from what Christ did in the cross.
When Jesus was nailed to the cross, it was for every part of you. The best, the not-so-good and the extremely bad. Jesus died for every part of you. Because He loves it all.

Everyone is included in His love at the cross. The ones with depression, the ones who was convicted. Even the one you hate or the one you cannot forgive.

Yes, loving someone is not easy. Sometimes it is frustrating and messy. The other times, you would think of leaving them. That’s why we should always go back to the cross when our strength to love is running out.

I hope you’re getting it.  That if we get our strength to love from the cross, we will learn to love even if its hard. Because this is the kind of love that transforms life. The kind of love that grows us to become a better person. And that love doesn’t only come from you, its from God.

So the next time you love someone; whether it’s a friend, a family, a partner or anyone, have the courage to love from the cross. Take every single bit of love from it.  Beloved, I hope you stay brave doing it.

1 Corinthians 13:7 Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Published by Renz Ivanni Mata

Influencer in the making. 🎥📚

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