Please Stay

I don’t know exactly where you are in your walk with the Lord right now. What I only know is that you are struggling in a season where God is currently placing you. You may be in a situation where circumstances are trying to break you or you may find yourself being stretched out because of pain.

But please stay.

I am encouraging you to stay. Do not leave the place when things seem to go wrong. You don’t have to run away and find security in another place.

Choose to believe that the sun rises each morning because the promises of the Lord will be fulfilled daily. His promises will give you hope to keep going.

Please stay. Your story isn’t over, I promise.

I may not know what tomorrow will bring. I cannot assure that there will be no more pain. But I know God placed you here for a purpose.

You are not hopeless. You are not irreparably broken. You are here and you are enough. You don’t have to go through it alone.

I am still here. You are allowed to be unsteady. Take my hand. You can have moments of weakness. Still, I will walk beside you.

You are needed here. Please stay.

This moment may feel unending, but this will pass. One day you will stand up again. You will feel safe in His security. You will be assured of your identity. One day, you will tell the crowd about your testimony. You will cry happy tears. And you will look forward to tomorrow.

You have to stay because God is working within you. He wants to show you that their is beauty out of that pain. He is your peace in the midst of any struggles. His love for you is greater than your fears.

Fight for your season. Please stay.

Remember that in the most uncertain and uncomfortable place you could ever be is the place you will find growth, healing and above all, Jesus.

Stay and unleash your breakthroughs you didn’t even know existed. Stay and find out what God prepared for you.

Just please stay.

Psalm 143:8 Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Published by Renz Ivanni Mata

Influencer in the making. 🎥📚

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