Boundaries are Blessings

Your heart is the most dominant leadership tool you have for it is the root of all things. It is the source of how you think, act and respond. The front liner of every human motive. How you take care of your heart reflects how you relate to the people around you. Keeping your heart in a wrong way, will have a tendency to hurt others. It is, as well, the one that pushes you to do something. It will either let you build yourself or break you. That’s how crucial your heart is.

When your heart is not guarded, you will force things to happen and you will grab every opportunity. But remember that when you feel that the heart is leading, God gave you mind to let your understanding and wisdom to overtake. Allow your wisdom to weigh and analyze situations. Your mind will let you see things the heart is blind of. This shows the importance of setting boundaries.

So beloved, if there’s one thing I want you to be reminded of today it would be this: Set boundaries so you can guard your heart. Setting boundaries may limit you on the things or decisions you want to make, but I assure you its gonna be worth it. If you set boundaries, you are eliminating the tendency of rushing. There are lines that cannot be crossed. Knowing that, it enables you to guard your heart in a way of recognizing the things that are coming in so you can assess them. If you decide to set boundaries, you can evaluate matters and people who wants to enter you heart. You will have a strong sense of making right decisions and you are allowing your heart to be set apart from the things that can bombard and exhaust it.

Choose people that you will allow to speak over your life. Disregard those who will cause confusion. Be cautious on the things you put so much attention to. And consider circumstances as your source of growth.

But through it all, as long as you are willing to guard your heart and decide to trust completely in the Lord, your heart will never be at risk. Let me encourage you that the opportunities or people that God meant for you, will never put you in danger. Setting boundaries is not self isolation, it is simply self protection.

Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

Published by Renz Ivanni Mata

Influencer in the making. 🎥📚

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